The Catcher In The Rye, Part 1 of 4

So, we discussed the book, The Catcher In the Rye, by J.D. Salinger.  This book was rightfully given the past two class periods to be discussed, but I still don’t think we covered everything that could have been covered.  Here is what we did cover:

1.  Holden and his relationship to children.  In this, we viewed how Holden wants to be The Catcher In The Rye.  He wants to be the one to save children and keep them safe, to protect their innocence.  In the book, he refers to a point when his old teacher let him stay at his house.  He wakes up to see his teacher petting his head.  In a panic, after calling him pervy, he runs off.  He mentioned that type of occurrance has happened to him before. 

2.  We looked at his relationship with women and sexuality in general.  Most of the class concluded that Holden is gay and very pedophilic, but I really doubt this.  He ran away from a come-on from a male friend.  They reasoned that he is awkward around women and doesn’t do anything with them, but that he also has a strict admiration for kids.  The belief that came through to me was that he was admiring and respected the innocence children have, and that is why he wants to be the Catcher In The Rye type character.  Anyways, what would you do if you were a sixteen year old male in that time period.  I doubt you’d be that scandalous with women. 

3.  Then we looked at his relationship with his brother Allie, who happened to die as a child.  I concluded that Allie is simply something one might call a conscience.  He only really ever talks to or about Allie when something is going badly.  For instance, when he gets drunk or some other events.  In the end he always sees Allie, who is supposed to push him towards the right direction.

4.  We then looked at the relationship with the geese.  What was  his obsession about the idea of the geese going away for the winter?  This, was some what more of reflection of religion.  He isn’t overly enthusiastic about religion, but he does ponder where do the birds go when it gets cold?  The thought that came over us was “Where do you go when you die?”  The birds are Allie, especially and other people.  He points out that he doesn’t believe in religion, but hey…facts point to facts. 


That is all major monologue though…no need to take that seriously, just thoughts inside a mind of a creative thinker. 

Aside from that, we’ve received a project.  I’m going to do all of three of the options.  So here they are.

1.  The Holden Caulfield Playlist (10-12 Songs) and a letter explaining each one.

2.  The Secret Goldfish (He loved the story written by D.B, his brother…so tell the story.  WRITE IT.)

3.  Research paper on the book that was brought into the spotlight in 1980-1981 in the murder of Lennon and attempt to Reagan.  Why and how was it brought into such events?

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